Self Pity

Beware of The Dangers of Self Pity ⚠️ 

 Often, when one is in a state of SELF PITY (AKA- feeling sorry for yourself), they not only shut out all those who can pray for them and help them, but they also end up shutting God and His Word out too. 

And as they sulk in this “Woe is me!” mindset, they may find themselves despairing of life itself. 

As their mind is clouded by doubt and defeat, they suddenly forget all the wonderful and beautiful things God has done in their life. Prayers answered,  miracles wrought, and the BIG and little ways God has revealed His presence in their lives. 

Yes, this is the DANGERS of Self Pity. ⚠️

If you find yourself consumed with Self Pity, 

this is where  “I” must be CRUCIFIED. This is where their is a need for less of a self centered life and more of  a Christ centered life. This is where “Self” must not be exalted above Jesus and Others.  🙏🏻✝️ 

The next time you feel a “Woe is me!” moment come upon you, pray for your brethren in the world who might be going through the same trials and some worse at that very moment. 

Start a journal of all the wonderful things God has done for you and thank Him for it. 🙏🏻❤️✝️

Don’t let self consume you. Be consumed with Christ! 


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