Why Dress Modestly? Part 1

  • The Bible COMMANDS it:                                       In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.”             1Timothy 2:9,10                                                           I am only 26 years old, but have watched the rapid decline of MODESTY among young, and older Christians today. Plastered on leggings, skinny jeans, tight and low cut shirts, halter tops, mini skirts, short shorts etc., are so common now-that they’re no longer seen as WHORISH or RISQUΓ‰ among Christians.       They have to justify their lack of clothes, modesty, decency, and ease their conscience by accusing those who DO dress modestly according to scripture, of being “ PHARISAICAL” and “LEGALISTIC”.  WHY? Because when you’re dressing modestly, and going against the flow, you’re a living testimony, and conviction to those who are not heeding this command.                                   Clothes were made to COVER, not to REVEAL.       (See Genesis 3)                                                                God's commandments don’t change, just because the culture we live in HAS.              
  • Modesty starts in the HEART:  ❤️                         You can always tell when someone truly owns the conviction of  modesty for themselves, by what clothes they choose to wear.                                                         If a woman is wearing a skirt, but it’s so tight or short, that you have to waddle around like a penguin to walk, then you might as well not be Wearing a skirt at all.            I have seen this quite often among certain Pentecostal groups. Tight, flashy, revealing, right at the knee skirts, with high heels, and a plastered on top! Yes, you may be wearing a dress or skirt, but it defeats the purpose if you’re not modest, and are still drawing attention to yourself from the guys. When you first own the conviction of modesty in your heart, it will show up in the way you dress and carry yourself. 
  • Immodesty can cause your brother to stumble:                         Immodest apparel not only screams that you have no respect for your own purity, and faithfulness to your future spouse, but it also screams that you have no respect for your brother in Christ.                                   Listen Ladies, you cannot complain about nasty sex crazed, porn addicted, looney, lust filled guys, if you’re dressing in a seductive way that would aid in causing them to lust after you and feed their Porn addictions.       When you’re dressing modestly, you’re keeping the scriptures command in 1 Timothy 2:9,10, showing faithfulness to your future husband (or if married, husband), guarding your precious purity, and being your BROTHER’S KEEPER. ❤️                                Part 2 to come…❤️


  1. Amen, so true! Modesty is very important. πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

    1. Yes! Indeed, dear sister. ❤️

  2. Amen! This is a good post & very true.

  3. Thank you for the sweet comment! ❤️

  4. Amen!!! It's litteraly *shocking* what the "Christians" are wearing these days! It's not as surprising when the heathens do it, but Christians? They even show up to church wearing that stuff. No respect for themselves or others...

    1. Yes! So sad. The heathen of yesteryear were a thousand times more modest than the Christians of today.😒

  5. Wow, awesome post! I look forward to part 2!

    1. Praise Jesus! Thank you for the encouragement! I plan on working on Part 2 very soon. ❤️

  6. Dressing modestly is sometimes the only way we can shine our light to ones passing by - even without saying a word. Praise Jesus! Great post! Amen!

    1. Yes! Beautiful and so true! Thank you for the comment, Cassandra! ❤️❤️


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