Happy Birthday to my Sister Hadassah

My sweet sister Hadassah inspired me to learn a backbend! ❤️ Can you believe we are nearly 16 years apart?! 

 Happy 11th birthday to my sweet sister Hadassah! 🎉 

You have had such a sweet disposition since a little baby. ❤️

Your second word as a baby was, “ Han-nah!”

 It was a heart melter when I first heard you say my name! ❤️

I treasure the memories of being your little second mommy, and being there when you walked your first steps. ❤️❤️

It has been such a blessing watching you grow up from a cute little baby to the very pretty, and sweet girl you’re today! 🥰 

You show such tenderness and sweetness with your little chickens and your goat, Peace. ❤️ And brighten everyone’s day with you sweet smile! 

May Jesus continue to bless you as you serve Him and others this year with gladness and your sweet little smile. 🙂

 I love you! Your Sister, Hannah ❤️


  1. That’s so sweet! Thank you, Hannah! 🩷❤️

    1. Awww. You’re welcome, sweetie! ❤️

  2. Happy Birthday, Hadassah! ❤️ I can see that you have a sweet and tender spirit. 🎂🥰

    1. Thank you, Sara! I told Hadassah. She smiled sweetly, and asked me to thank you! ❤️❤️

  3. Happy birthday Hadassah and great pics :)

    1. Thanks for the comment! Faith got the pics and my dad got the pics at the lake. ❤️


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