Health Freak Mode

 Getting back into the “Health freak mode” again. 

Trying to focus more on whole foods that are healthy VS processed foods that taste good to the taste buds, but not so well when it comes to digestion and overall health. 🙂

It reminds me of this verse in Ecclesiastes 10:17 

“Blessed art thou, O land, when thy king is the son of nobles, and thy princes eat in due season, for strength, and not for drunkenness!”

The American diet with fast food, processed foods, etc., trains us to eat what makes us “feel good” and makes us “happy”. Like sugar filled candy, soda, desserts  white flour, fast food, junk food, greasy foods, etc. 

But really, though these foods may make you feel happy while consuming them at first, your body is not happy overall. As the Standard American diet breeds cancer, lack of energy, obesity, depression, more cravings for bad foods and sugar, etc., etc. 

When you focus on healthy and more whole foods eating like organic vegetables, fruits, meat, good grains, drinking lots and lots of water etc. etc, you will have so much more energy, will become more healthier and experience less sickness, and your body can begin its healing process. 

Just dropping  in with a few thoughts on healthy eating and also I am asking for prayers! As I am really trying to get more stricter in my life in this area. 🙏🏻❤️🙂

Here was my lunch today…


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