A Set-Apart, Christian Life ✝️

A set-apart, Christian life is a life fully ABANDONED to Christ. 

A life that is separate from sin and self is surrendered to the Saviour. 

A life that is willing to FIGHT for the truth, LIVE for the truth, and if need be, DIE for the truth. 

A life that gives their ALL to the Saviour or NOTHING at all. 

A life that is not lukewarm or mediocre. 

A life that is devoted to give God ALL the GLORY. 

A life that is not afraid of conviction and does not fear to lose man’s approval because it loves the praise of God more than the praise of men. 

This is the Christian life of the unashamed, brave, stouthearted, and courageous! 

It FIGHTS until the FINISH! 

It stops running when the race is DONE. 


How about YOU? 

How is your Christian life/walk, dear Christian? 🙏🏻✝️❤️


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