Country/mountain living!

 It feels like spring outside today! ☀️🐐 🌸 

Spending quality time with my baby animals. ❤️

And while I was at it, I got a little photo shoot with our chickens and goats. 😉

Goats and chickens are so much fun to watch and learn about their unique behaviors with humans and each other. 

My Diamond goatling can get a bit jealous and try and ram the chickens. 😕

My rooster, Boaz, gets a bit jealous of my Diamond and tries to charge her and land a little peck on her back. 😕

I try to give them equal attention and treats! Haha. 

My Hen Meadow ❤️
My rooster Boaz doing his Tarzan like crow! 
My twin’s goat. ❤️
Cassia and “baby goat” sparring 
Two cuties innocently sparring. ☺️
Baby goat being a little spunk! Now she wants to spar with my Diamond. Poor Diamond! She is sort of a pushover. 
One of  our 3 look-a-like roosters. 
“Baby goat” (Ahava) 

Baby goat making her rounds! Haha. She was sparring with big sister. 😉
Leah. ❤️ My Mom’s mini Lamancha. 
My sweet Diamond goat. ❤️ She is TOO cute! 


  1. So cute! I love country living! -Hope 💙💙💙

  2. Very cute. Looks fun.


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