Those that WAIT on the Lord

 Good morning and Happy Sunday!✝️

Waiting on the Lord requires patience, faith, and unwavering trust in Christ and His Words. 🙏🏻✝️

Look at the story of Martha, Mary and Lazarus in John 11. 

Mary and Martha were waiting for Jesus to heal their brother. 

Then he dies. 

And after he had been dead 4 days, Jesus comes. 

Martha and Mary both said the same thing to Jesus, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.”

They didn’t understand that God had allowed Him to die, so He could display His glory and might, and work a mighty miracle through their brother Lazarus’s death! 

He raised up a man from the tomb who had been dead for 4 days, and because of this many BELIEVED on Him. 

Waiting on God can sometimes be agonizingly painful. Like in Mary and Martha’s case. But you must cling to Jesus in FAITH snd FULL TRUST. 🙏🏻


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