Spring life on the mountain 🌺🌻🌸

Spring is one of my all time favorite seasons. In case you can’t tell. Haha. The weather is perfect, and watching everything SPRING to life so gloriously, displaying God’s beauty and splendor in His creation. 
We have been working on cleaning up our yard (from Winter’s decay) and preparing our gardens for planting. 
I can tell our goats and chickens are happier with this spring weather. πŸ“ 🐐 

Wild flowers in our front lawn…

Old fashion pic  ❤️
Wild dandelions! I want to dry out some and make  soaps with them this spring.  
My exceptionally pretty sister, Hosanna Deborah 


  1. Beautiful! Spring is my favorite as well πŸ’œ

    1. Awww. We are alike yet again. πŸ™‚


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