Lose to Gain
Greetings and Good Morning in The POWERFUL Name of Jesus! ✝️🙏🏻❤️☀️
As Christians, we have to LOSE in order to GAIN.
When you’re living a set-apart life and standing/living out the truth- you will lose “friends,” popularity, acceptance with the world, etc., in order to gain TRUE friends, popularity in Heaven, and acceptance with Christ Jesus! 🙏🏻📖✝️
The more earthly treasures you invest here on earth, the more painful it will become for you to LOSE it for Christ’s sake. (See the story of the rich young ruler in Mark 10)
Lay up for yourselves Treasure in Heaven (See Matt. 6:19-21.) 📖✝️🙏🏻
And remember, what we may LOSE here on earth, we will GAIN exponentially more in ETERNITY.
Think ETERNAL, and NOT TEMPORAL, Saints! 🙏🏻❤️📖✝️🗡️
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